We arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal on August 20, right in the middle of monsoon season! Transition was difficult, but God blessed us with a clean, easily accessible apartment, a hard working household helper, great language tutors, and wonderful new friends who helped us with adjusting to a new culture. By the time we left on January 4, we had achieved much success in the area of language learning, orientating ourselves to getting around Kathmandu, and some cultural adaptation. We can't wait to get back to work in April after Josiah is born!

Here is Tonya with Urmela, our "Didi" (household helper). She is such a blessing!

For our 2nd wedding anniversary, we went to Pokhara, a popular Nepali vacation spot, and enjoyed fresh air, a view of the
Himalayas and air conditioning!

Kathmandu is a city of 2 million people, the vast majority of whom are Hindu. This table is full of idols that are for sale. Sights like this are not uncommon in any of the squares or Hindu temple sights throughout the city.

This is a Hindu worship area located just 3 doors down from our apartment flat. Every morning before dawn bells are rung to wake up the gods. Hindus come here daily to offer sacrifices and prayers to the gods of their choice.

When one leaves Kathmandu, he enters into an entirely different world. Life in the countryside is quite different for Nepalis. Here are women hauling their rice harvest from the field. Only women and children do the grunt labor on the farms.