Early summer in Nepal and a visit to Thailand

"Let's play with tractors!" Our friend from the "T" peoples came with his wife and son for Nepal's staple dish Daal Baat. here little Asis, who is 2 1/2, is trying to show Josiah how to roll his tractors across the floor. Our Didi Urmela (house helper) refereed the play time.

While Kris and Tonya attended meetings from 8:30 to 5:15 every day, Josiah got to live the spoiled life with volunteers from the States who waited on him hand and foot. He got to meet and play with other white babies around his age for the first time too!

We were honored at the hotel by the staff with a procession of Thai dancers and lots of Thai treats on the last day of our conference. A lot of the food is very different, but the sweets are delicious!

Before flying back to Kathmandu, we got a quick family shot in the hotel lobby. Josiah wasn't too happy to be woken up at 4:30 am to make the flight, but travelled pretty well on the way back.

"I can't wait to figure out how to eat with this thing!" After Josiah turns 4 months, we will introduce rice cereal. To help him prepare, we've given him a spoon to chew on since he's already teething! No teeth have cut yet, but he's showing all the signs that it won't be long! He also has indicated he wants to start eating food. He tries to taste everything, from plastic toys to paper in our hand to whatever food we are eating in front of him.