The day has finally come! Tonya didn't go into labor on her own, so we made it to the scheduled c-section date: October 23. We left for the hospital at 7:00 full of anticipation and anxiety, ready to meet our new little man!

Here is Kris ready to go into the OR to be with Tonya.

The surgery went smoother than with the other boys, with no complications. When Nathanael was pulled out, Kris' first reaction was "Wow, he has a head full of hair!". Tonya saw him and was amazed at how tiny he was! His chord was wrapped around his neck twice, so while he was getting untangled he cried loudly, letting us know he was very healthy! Apgar scores were 9 and 9, the best of all of our boys!

Nathanael getting checked out in the nursery. He weighed 7 lb 1 oz, and is 22 inches long! His hands and feet are big and bony, and he definately has his daddy's thin legs! He is the smallest and longest of all of our boys, destined to be a basketball player!

We chose the name Nathanael because of its meaning "A gift of God" and its Biblical significance in John 1. His middle name is Elliot after Jim Elliot, a missionary to the Indians of Equador, who was martyred bringing the Gospel to them.
When I saw the name I thought it was for Nate Saint and Jim Elliot, but gift of God makes sense too.
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