November 2009
What a month we've had! Nathanael's first month has been sweet, challenging, and exhausting, and we've made many memories along the way! Here are the 4 Dixon men in our home, all rocking together in the living room.
It is amazing how quickly our boys grow. These are Josiah's and Nathanael's feet next to eachother.
Nathanael celebrated Halloween at home, sporting his Halloween onesie! Next year he'll be sure to get in on the candy collection!
This is the first picture taken of Kris' parents with Nathanael.
Our "Little Man" with Tonya. This is his favorite position to rest, since he often gets gas/tummy troubles at dinner time and fusses until around 10 pm.
When Nathanael was about 10 days old, it was warm enough to go outside in the back yard while the other boys played. He didn't like the sun in his face, but slept while Tonya did some yardwork.
Nathanael's first combine ride! Just like Micah, he slept through the whole thing!
"Little Man's" regular spot to hang out in the mornings is on the couch. He looks around at the curtains and his favorite colorful toys, then after about 15 minutes gets bored and cries. We hope this attention span will get longer as he gets older!
Kris' Grandmother Mathis met Nathanael when he was 4 weeks old, on a short visit to our home. All the boys wanted to get on the picture shoot, so are posing with her!
Josiah made his singing deput at church in the preschool choir this month! He looked at us and smiled most of the time and did a great job singing and doing the motions. We were very proud of him, especially since he was singing in front of hundreds of people!
Nathanael looking at his favorite toy.
Nathanael's first Thanksgiving wasn't a happy one for him. He is really fussy in the mornings and evenings and at the get together with Kris' family cried most of the time. He still looked cute in his outfit though!
It's Christmas time! Josiah and Micah were so excited about decorating this year! It is so much fun to see them understand more and more about this special holiday with each passing year. Josiah has started the tradition of putting the star on the tree this year, and next year it will be Micah's turn! He was so proud!
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