September 2009
We love brownies! The boys often help Tonya bake. Micah's favorite word is "Watch!" when Tonya breaks out the recipe and ingredients. Josiah has to be involved in stirring, slicing, peeling, and of course, tasting when it is a dessert!
Micah is already learning to share with his little brother! He wanted the baby to have some of his apple, so placed it on Tonya's tummy.
Tonya's good friend from seminary, Linda Sue, came to visit us for a weekend. She is home from overseas for several months, and spoke at our church while she was here. The boys took to her immediately like they had known her all their lives!
Josiah had to give "Sue Sue" a lesson on harvesting corn, showing her how the combine works.
We took "Sue Sue" to Columbus State Park on the Mississippi River while she visited. The boys hadn't been in well over a year, so really enjoyed running around and playing on everything they found.
Tonya and the boys overlooking the river. It's a little hard to hold on to them with a big belly!
Micah enjoying watching the barges go by.
The boys loved climbing on the cannons in the park
Josiah really wanted to fire this cannon!
Trying to climb up an anchor that was used to hold a chain to stop boats from going down the river during the Civil War.
Of course a trip to the park isn't complete without playing on the playground!
Micah is learning to pose for pictures now, after a phase of camera shyness. He is using more 2 word phrases now, and loves to help around the house.
Josiah is doing his new favorite puzzle on the island. It's a great quiet activity that both boys get into!
Tonya is now less than a month until baby's arrival. The c-section is scheduled for October 23rd. but he could come a week or two earlier than that if he wanted to. Either way, we are ready! Our next post will be Dixon boy #3's birth!