August has been an unusually cool, yet busy month! While all the activity has been going on, baby Dixon has been growing in leaps and bounds. Tonya is 29 weeks in this picture, and beginning to feel really weighed down! Growing pains, sore legs, back pain, headaches, and trouble sleeping top the list, but at least he is healthy and we only lack less than two months until his arrival!

Tonya's parents came for a short visit this month and we had a great time together. We went to the county fair one night and the boys loved this ferris wheel! They also were crazy about a kid's roller coaster- looks like they'll take after their adventurous parents!

Josiah and Grandpa on the merry go round

Micah with Kris on the merry go round

Tonya's parents brought Micah's birthday presents with them. One was a soccar goal and ball, since Micah loves to play with balls. Josiah obviously enjoys it too!

"Whoa!"- opening presents from Grandma and Grandpa

We went to a local indoor pool one day with the boys, since Tonya can't normally go since handling two toddlers in the water is tough! Josiah can now swim several feet with swimmies on and both can jump to us from the side of the pool and hold their breathe under water! Looks like Josiah will get swimming lessons next year!

Micah is getting ready to jump to Grandma

Micah and Grandma having a big time!

Micah with Grandpa. He was quite the stinker, getting in Grandpa's lap when it was time to go to bed, and asking to be rocked :-).

Josiah and Micah not only enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa's visit, they also enjoyed their shoes!

Josiah got a big John Deere floor puzzle from Tonya's parents too, and after a couple tries, can do it by himself! He is already doing 60 piece puzzles on his own.

Earlier this month, we had a yard sale to clean out uneeded "stuff" from our move last fall. Kris' mom and sister in law also cleaned out stuff so our driveway pad was filled with things for sale. It is so nice to have an empty garage now! While we sold things, all the kids were running around outside. At one point we played them a movie, but it didn't last long....