July 2008- Micah Jay's First Birthday

July has been a hot but fun month for us. Micah celebrated his first birthday on the 20th. We had a small party that afternoon with family members who could attend. Tonya attempted making a cake that both boys enjoyed: a choo choo train! Josiah only ate the candy off of it, and Micah tried everything he could het his hands on.
Here is the cake. It was suprisingly easy to make! Tonya got the recipe off of the Family Fun website. We had strawberry cake for the adults since no one wanted teeth the color of the icing or lots of candy pieces to pick off if they didn't want to eat them.

Micah devoured his cake! We called him a little smurf because he was so blue after he was finished!

Micah was very good for the entire party, but wasn't very interested in opening presents. Josiah, being the good big brother he is, stepped in and opened them for Micah so he could play with other toys!
"Hey, it's not bathtime!" Micah got a duck towel but didn't want to try it on. He had much more important activities to engage in, like playing with his bows!
Here are all of Micah's birthday presents he has recieved so far. Since our entire family loves reading, he got more books than anything else!
Josiah is a regular kitchen hand these days. He pulls up a chair, and with permission, helps Tonya with the cooking. He always wants to see what's going on and loves washing dishes in the sink for her.