What a fun month for Josiah! When we returned from Paraguay, a swing was waiting for him in Grandmother and Grandaddy Dixon's back yard. He had never been swung before, and loved the thrill!

Josiah turned 1 on March 14th. He got to try his first cupcake at lunch! After realizing he was supposed to eat it (at first he just played with it) he gobbled the whole thing down, a regular sweet tooth!

He wasn't selfish on his birthday either. He wanted to share some of his icing with others, including Grandaddy Dixon while we took this picture!

Kris celebrated his 29th birthday on the 15th. Tonya made him his favorite kind of cake, yellow with chocolate icing, and he ate good all day!

We threw Josiah a birthday party at our house on the 18th and invited lots of family to the occasion. Tonya made him a tractor cake and we decorated with yellow and green. His favorite part was eating another yummy cupcake!

We have spent a lot of time this month working on the landscaping for our house. The renters who lived there before did not take care of the grounds, so we had our work cut out for us. This month we have enjoyed daffodills, tulips, grape hyacinths, crocuses, and lilly of the valley shoot up around our house. We got to plant some trees and shrubs too, which we will enjoy as they grow.

Josiah is now 23 lbs, a "chunk" as some people exclaim as they pick him up! He doesn't lack an appetite either. He loves to wear his food as he eats it, especially ravioli!
Leah, Tonya's sister-in law is going to have a baby shower on the 30th. Here is Tonya frosting 50 duck cookies for the big event. She loves to bake!