Micah's first month (July 27 to August 20)

This has been a fun first month for Micah Jay. Josiah has gotten used to having a little "intruder" around and depending on his mood, will either love on his brother or try to hit him! Each boy needs lots of love and attention at this stage in their lives.

Micah's favorite place to be is cuddling with other people, but he is overall very content to stare around and lie where he is placed. He has been such a good baby!

Josiah is also growing up quickly this month. He has learned how to help Daddy wash the car and contributes by rinsing with the hose, although he likes to spray other people more than the vehicle for fun!

When Micah was 3 weeks old, Tonya's parents came for a weekend visit and we all had a great time! Josiah especially loved the spoiling and always had a volunteer to read to him his favorite books.

A picture taken of Grandma and Grandpa VanKampen before they returned to South Carolina.

Micah has already caught up in size to his cousin Kinzie, who is 7 weeks older than him. Kinzie is on the right and Micah is on the left. We look forward to having these cousins grow up and play together.

Tonya has been able to return to teach Sunday School. These are 4 of about 8 regular attending children in her class: Left to right- Lee Paul, Devon, Shae Le, and Brittany. They are a joy to teach!

Josiah gets a little jealous when Micah is with Kris. Here he tried to share Kris' chest while they were taking a nap together.

Micah started smiling back when he was just 2 weeks old! He is already getting chubby and outgrowing a few 0-3 month clothes at one month old!