May 2008
May was a month of blooming flowers, growing crops and celebration! The boys and Kris made Tonya feel very special on Mother's Day. It was a windy cool day (as you can see by the trees and Tonya's hair!) but she really enjoyed feeling loved. Kris made a video of pictures of the boys growing up played to the song "You're changing the world one little heartbeat at a time" by Stephen Curtis Chapman.
Josiah loves to show and get affection. He asks for kisses on a regular basis! This is the first picture we have of him giving a "sweet kiss" as he calls it: right on the lips!
Kids can never be too young to start doing housework! Micah loves playing with Josiah's broom and will look all over the house for it. Then he goes to work!
Josiah's first ride in a boy-sized Gator. We had a cook out with Kris' Sunday School class after church one Sunday at a member's home who has an almost 3 year old. He showed Josiah the ropes and gave him a more than half hour lesson on driving. Josiah thinks he's ready now, but we're not!

This month Tonya headed up a painting project at church. The Children's Church classroom despirately needed repainting! As you can see, the room was painted by youth over 5 years ago and no one wanted to touch the project of repainting it. Tonya couldn't stand it and asked for help from church members.

This is the classroom after painting. We also painted Tonya's children's Sunday School classroom, which was peeling white paint before and is now blue, yellow and cream. The kids love it, and it is ready in time for VBS this summer!

Micah is growing up so quickly. He loves looking out windows and discovering new sights and sounds all the time.

May is strawberry picking month in Kentucky! The first day Tonya picked she got about 30 lbs, weighed after the boys probably ate half a pound between the two of them! Micah is our messy eater this year. Tonya even found squished berries stashed in his diaper! In one week Tonya and Kris picked over 120 lbs of berries! They get chopped and frozen so we have a year's supply to meet Kris' daily strawberries and vanilla ice cream habit!

Josiah continues to be an avid outdoorsman. He loves to water flowers, pick them, and all to often, walk through them.

No, we haven't adopted an Asian baby! We had an old family friend of Kris over and her 2 month old baby girl for dinner while she was in town visiting her parents. Kris refused most of the night to hold her, but finally gave in. He said "I may get the fever again". After walking her to sleep and rocking her he said "No, not yet..." Tonya agreed! Maybe next year....
The boys keep getting bigger! Wow--120 pounds of stawberries!? I can't imagine that--not out here in the desert anyway! I'm glad to see all is going well with the family!
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