January 2008: First weeks in Mississauga, Canada
Wow, Mommy, Canada is really white! On January 10th, when we arrived, all the white we saw was evidence of an 18 inch snowfall on New Year's Day: piles in parking lots. But within a few days of our arrival, the snow fell! We haven't had huge amounts of snow as of yet, but it's pretty enough for us. Josiah loves looking at snow falling out of the window from our 14th floor apartment we are renting for the 6-7 weeks we are here. We have a beautiful view of a park, school, and other skyscrapers in the city.
"Uh, Oh... you caught me!" Josiah snuck Micah a Cheetoe so he could have a taste of what "real" food is like. Micah wasn't happy to have it taken away. Sorry, but you'll have to wait a few more months, Micah.

"The Sanctuary", a new church plant in the city of Mississauga, consists of about six families. One Sunday a month they meet in a school gymnasium, and on the others they meet in a home for worship together. Before we start we eat bagels and bread with coffee or juice and fellowship before meeting in the living room.

This is the room where we meet for worship. Chairs are lined up and we comfortably fit for an hour of singing, prayer, and Bible study. On Thursday nights we meet in another home for prayer and Bible study.

The first dinner guest to our apartment was our next door neighbor Queenie, from Hong Kong. Her English wasn't very good, so she and Kris talked back and forth in Chinese and English to communicate during our meal and afterwards. She loves playing with Micah! Kris shared some of the Gospel with her through his testimony, but she was not interested in learning more about a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We will continue to befriend her, though, and pray the Holy Spirit will work on her heart.

Micah is changing a lot again this month. He is now sitting up by himself and loves to play with toys. He rolls around so much we have to be careful he doesn't land on something that hurts! He is also teething, a not so pleasant milestone!
While Kris spends his afternoons meeting students and sharing at the nearby University, Josiah and Micah stay behind with Tonya to take naps and play. We have an area set up off of the living room where Micah can roll safely and look out the window. Josiah often joins him and hands him toys. We still have to watch out that he doesn't get too rough, since he thinks Micah is as tough as him! Both boys have adjusted well to their new temporary environment, and as long as we get out daily where they can move around and interact with others, they are very happy!
Good job, Tonya. It was so good to see pictures of your apartment and the friends you are making.
We miss you.
Mom and Dad D.
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