Winter 2008 in Mississauga, Canada (3)

Anyone for a dip in the lake? We had to see Lake Ontario at least once while we were here in Mississauga. It was about 23 degrees F. but sunny when we visited a park just down the road from out apartment. Josiah was amazed more by the ice built up on the shore than by the large body of water behind it! Micah just stared out with his mouth gaping open, speachless.
Josiah got to make his first snowman before we left, with a little help from Kris!

Josiah asked us often to go outside in the "no" to "pay". He had fun with the dust pan and mop bucket from the apartment one day when the weather was nice.

Micah has enjoyed trying some solid foods this past week. He now has two teeth and wants to nibble on everything!
Now that Micah can sit up on his own, he and Josiah can play a little rougher, especially when it comes to Mommy! One day they got on top of Tonya and pulled hair, grabbed skin, and ganged up on her while screaming in glee.

We got to attend our first Chinese birthday party a week ago. A Chinese neighbor's daughter was turning 7 and invited us to come. We were about the only North Americans there, but enjoyed it a lot. Josiah loved running around after the other children and got lots of snacks.

We have made lots of lasting friendships with both Christians and non-Christians while here. This is Sara and Lee, both new Christians who have an awesome testimony of how Christ has transformed their lives. They are a part of the Sanctuary church that we are working with, and have been an encouragement to us!

Kris has made many friends with guys from the University of Toronto at Mississauga. This is Mike, a friend who is investigating what it means to be a Christ follower. He has visited the Sanctuary church with us and plans to continue visiting after we leave. Please pray with us that he will soon accept Jesus as his Saviour and Lord!

Dave and Ruth are other friends from the Sanctuary Church. They, like other families in the church, have been reaching their city with the Gospel and want so badly to see individuals and families reached. We will miss them!
Brett and Katheryn are the North American Mission Board Church Planters that we originally contacted before coming to Canada. We have treasured their friendship and have really enjoyed working with them in the short time we had here. Their children have also been a joy to spend time with and get along well with our boys. We look forward to seeing them again next year (Lord willing) so we can continue working with them to reach Mississauga for Christ!
Hope you arrived home safely!
Hey Kris and Tonya! Hope you made it back home safe and sound! I just found your blog address in my wallet and it's cool to see all the great pictures - including the one of me and Lee! :) We miss you!
Sarah (and Lee :)
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