October 2008

Yeah, we finally have good pictures this month! Josiah poses in the bathtub one night while playing with Micah. The boys always look forward to playing in the bubbles and squeezing water out of the squeeky toys!

When I see this picture I think of the pull-up commercial "Mommy, Wow..!" Micah isn't near potty training, of course, but loves to step on Josiah's potty to reach the sink. He finds everything climbable in the house and yard and gets as high as he can before he gets caught!
This month, since the weather is cooling off, we have started going to the local park about 9 miles away. Micah is big enough to climb the steps and go down the slides with a little guidance, and Josiah can play on anything by himself except the monkey bars! They love being active and playing until they are exhausted.
"Mommy, here I come!". Here's Josiah crawling through a tunnel in his favorite play yard in the park.

Hey Dixons,
Your children are beautiful! Congrats of five years. Ever in Southern GA come for a visit.
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