August 2008

"Look Mom, no hands!" We finally got a picture of Micah walking, a couple of weeks after he started.

One-hundred percent boy. Josiah and Micah are dirt magnets, always wanting to find a way to get messy. In this case, Josiah got the water hose and "watered" the tree so he and Micah could have a big time!

August has been yet another busy month. In June, construction began on Kris' parents new home. They are downsizing to a one bedroom house, built on to a garage building in the back yard of their old house. We are planning on moving in to their old home after they move out in late September, after we make a few changes to it!
The first of the changes to our "new" home is scraping off all the wallpaper in the house. We have 10 rooms to do, and as of mid-August, have done five. Josiah loves to help, getting a putty knife to scrape wallpaper off that Tonya has sprayed. He's quite the worker!
We have been enjoying watching the Olympics every night. Josiah likes to cuddle on the couch to watch them with us, when he finds it interesting.
Here are our partners in crime. Some wallpaper border arrived in the mail, and the boys had a hay day squishing the styrofoam peanuts that came in the box.

Tonya's parents came for a visit this month, and we got to celebrate Micah's birthday with them a month late. Micah got a rocking chair just for him, so now he and Josiah won't have to fight over his little recliner! He loves having it to sit in so he can be just like his brother.

While Tonya's parents were visiting, we went to see some attractions at Land Between the Lakes State Park, an hour away. Josiah took a liking to the critters in the Nature Center, especially the snakes.

Micah was slow to warm up to Tonya's parents since he didn't remember them from Christmas last year, but after a couple days he liked the attention and fun time they had together. Here Tonya's mom is playing horsey with Micah, always a big hit.

Micah also got a belated birthday party thrown by Tonya's parents. He had "Happy Birthday Micah" written on cupcakes, but the "y" in Happy fell on the ground! He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into them so wasn't too happy he had to wait for us to sing to him before we let him!

Here we are with Tonya's parents at church Sunday night.

After Micah got used to his Grandpa, he enjoyed walking around with him pointing to everything, so Grandpa would take him to see it. He started saying new words while they were here: "key, this, Josiah, and down" They come out "tee, dee, iah, and dah"! He already has learned the words tractor, bye bye, mama, dada, and Hi !
Hi Dixons,
It sure looks like you have been having fun. The boys are just too cute. Take care.
In HIS Amazing Grace and Love, Marsha Pearce
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