The last couple weeks in Canada were some of the busiest! We had people to visit, places to go, and ministry to tie up. Bruce is here with Micah in the basement where we stayed. Micah was calling him by name by the time we left.

Here is LeeAnn with our family in the basement. She loves our kids and we love her!

Josiah loved play with "Mister Boos"!

A picture of LeeAnn with the boys the night before we left. We will miss her!

The last big snow before we left was wet with big flakes! This is a pic of the front of the Verbeek's house.

Here is Kris posing during the snow. He was "helping" Josiah shovel at the time.

Our busy boy shovelling away. He always wanted to shovel instead of play with snow balls, sleds, or make snow angels! All work and no play for this guy.

Tonya led the youth in a Bible Study on Wednesday nights about defending your faith. Here she is with the girls in the group: Jessica, Kelly, Sarah, and Christy.

Kris and the boys by Lake Ontario on a "warm" winter day. It was so windy Micah cried the entire time we took pictures.

We took a half day trip to Niagara Falls on a day when we had free time. It was very windy there as well, so our picture taking time was limited!

We went to downtown Toronto one day to eat at a Brazilian Churrasqueria, which is a restaurant that serves freshly grilled meats of every kind. This is the owner. Unfortunately, he is a Jehovah's Witness and was not interested in what we had to share with him.

Here are two of Kris's friends from UTM, Peter and Johny. Neither are Christians, but they are interested in learning more about Jesus.

Rico and his girlfriend MaKayla are both exchange students from China. Both are skeptical about a God who they can't see.

Fox is a friend from China who Kris met last year. They enjoyed playing basketball together.

These two Chinese guys were alot of fun! Many of the friends Kris met were from China which gave him a chance to brush up on his Chinese. Unfortunately he has still forgotten more than he remembers!

Here is Kris with one of his closest friends in Canada, Kevin.

On the way back from Canada we took a 1 1/2 day, 2 night vacation in Chicago. Unfortunately, we don't have pictures to share because our camera was stolen while at Shedd Aquarium. Despite that dissapointment, it was a wonderful memory making time for us and the boys. The day after we got back to Kentucky we were dumped with a big snow storm! It still feels like Canada despite being in the south again. The snow is so beautiful, but we are anxious for warm weather....especially the boys!
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