It's Christmas time! Josiah poses for a picture at his Grandmother Dixon's house in front of the tree. His favorite part about Christmas: lots of bows to play with and paper to tear!

In December, Kris' Grandad celebrated his 80th birthday. Here is a 4 generation of Dixons picture taken at his birthday party.

For Christmas Kris had his Uncle Jerry make Tonya a dutch windmill for our front yard! We are excited about how it will look in the spring with tulips and irises blooming around it!

"I'm a big boy now!" At 9 months, Josiah is pulling up on furniture, legs and boxes. He is always very proud of himself for the accomplishment!

Kris' Grandmother Mathis always enjoys visits from Josiah. He always enjoys the love and attention too!
Josiah is definitely a dog lover. When he's not pulling ears or tails, he plays tug of war with Daisy's favorite blanket. Daisy always wins though!

Merry Christmas! On Christmas Day morning, Josiah went to his Grandmother and Grandaddy Dixon's house to open presents after a big breakfast. After lunch, we hit the road, headed for Michigan to visit Tonya's extended family, followed by trips to North and South Carolina. That trip will be covered in the next blog post!
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