Josiah's First Month

Aren't I cute? Josiah poses for the camera to show off his cuteness on a quilt made by his Great Grandma VanKampen.

Josiah and Kris love play time. Every day Kris tries to work on neck strengthening and rolling over and cheers Josiah on. On April 10 he smiled for the first time!

Grandma and Grandpa VanKampen enjoyed their visit from March 26-28 and again from April 5-7, on the back end of a tour of Vietnam. Josiah noticably enjoyed them too!
Grandma VanKampen could not put Josiah down! She got to teach him farm animal noises, got him to coo for the first time, and took every advantage to love on him!
Grandpa VanKampen loved meeting his first grandson! He volunteered to do holding, burping, and playing, but no diaper changing! In just a few days he was noticably a spoiled baby!
Josiah's Great Uncle Larry and Aunt Sharon also came on the trip with his grandparents to Thailand and Vietnam. We all had a great time together!
Here we are about to go to church for the first time with Josiah. He did great except for the explosive dirty diaper he created just as the pastor asked Kris to introduce him. Kris said after a brief intro, "He's got to go now". The pastor looked puzzled. Kris said "He pooped". The congregation roared as they made their exit to a place to change his diaper!
Night time is a struggle these days. Josiah gets colicky late in the evening so needs lots of TLC to calm down. Here is Tonya holding him in a favorite position to keep him from crying
Josiah's "Bubble Butt" as we call it is due to the new cloth diapers his grandparents brought in their luggage. They are a bit bigger than disposables, but work better right now. Since he's still smiling, we don't think the size bothers him!
You've really grown, Josiah! How was your Easter? How do you like your new room?
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