Happy Thanksgiving! November was a busy month of moving, visits, and getting ready for winter! Josiah is wearing his "Baby's First Thanksgiving" outfit in this picture.

"I love my new room!". Josiah enjoys playing in his own space now, complete with a changing table/dresser and a permanent crib with mobile!
Here is the kitchen/dining room remodeled. Josiah enjoys watching Tonya work on meals while he plays with pots and pans, spatulas, and anything else he can get his hands on!

This month Kris finished a John Deere tractor and wagon from his childhood. It was rusty and dirty from years of storage, but he got it looking like new again. Josiah loves to sit in the seat and steer as Mommy or Daddy push him along.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Kris' Dad's family who live in the area. This picture was taken at our house before we went to the get-together.

"I'm ready for Christmas!" Josiah's already in Christmas clothes and is moving fast! Right after Thanksgiving he started crawling forwards (he was going backwards for a couple weeks!) and is now into everything! He also says "Da Da" and "Ya Ya" (for mama) and labels those words to Kris and Tonya. He's growing up so fast!
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